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Returns and Refunds Policy

Returns Policy - Returns Form, Returns Number & Faulty Goods

If you change your mind about the product when you receive it or if you find it does not match our description you can return it at any time within 7 days for a full refund of the goods cost, or replacement of equivalent value, or a credit against any item of higher value. 
Please note this is granted as an opportunity to inspect the goods and not a test period; goods for return must be new, unused and in the original packaging.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the goods are returned to us in good condition. They should be well packed.

- You have the statutory right to return any products you have purchased within seven (7) working days of delivery for any reason (including if you simply change your mind). To do so you must notify us in writing or other durable medium (including email) within those seven (7) working days. You will then be entitled to a refund from us, which will be paid within thirty (30) working days of your notice of cancellation. 
It is your responsibility as a customer to ensure goods are complete, unused, and in 'AS NEW' condition (e.g. if you or the carriers have opened the box to examine the product it must have been done so without damaging the box and packaging or damaging the product in any way and must be re-packaged as received and the packaging sufficient to re-sell the item as brand new Please note if these requirements aren’t met you may be charged for an unfair return. If the carriers unwrap this box the responsibility to ensure the packaging remains intact is with the customer. Please do not allow carriers or any other party to destroy any packaging, the packaging is specifically designed for each piece and is deemed as part of the item. 

Returns must be made with a completed returns form. You must email [email protected] and request a returns number so that we know to expect your return. Any return that is received without a returns number will not be processed.
We will refund the full cost of the goods and the transport charges as follows;
for mainland England and Wales we will refund the delivery charges and arrange for the and pay the return charges, for mainland Scotland we will refund the delivery charges but not the return charges, all other addresses we will refund only goods cost only. Your Statutory Rights are not affected.

Returns Policy - After the 7 day inspection

In some circumstances we may be prepared to take back items that are new and unused goods after the 7 day inspection period subject to a 20% restocking charge, in these circumstances we will not refund the original delivery charge or pay for the return transport.

Return Policy – Installation

Goods for installation must be inspected before they are installed – if the goods are being installed on the same day as delivery you must ensure you are satisfied with the quality of the materials before the installer commences as once the item is installed they can no longer be accepted for return.